Sunday, May 15, 2011

The ducks on the lake

Once upon a time,  a duck called Timy lived in a wonderful lake. He spent time playing with his friends, Timy was very generous because he always woke up early, and he went to look for food for all his friends.

One day, Timy was walking around the lake. Suddently, he saw a beautiful female duck in the shore of lake. So, Timy went there, and she asked him: "What's your name?, Do you live near here?", so, he answered: "my name is Timy and I live in this lake, I've never seen you before. where do you live?",  and she answered: "my name is Maia, I'm looking for insects to eat. Do you know a good place?". So, Timy answered, "Yes,  I know a place near the plants. Come with me,   I'll show you".

They were together all day, and they talked about their lives.Then they fell in love. The next day Maia told Timy that she had to go with her flock. Timy felt very sad and he begged her to stay with him. So, Maia smiled and she decided to stay in the lake with Timy because she felt love with him.

They lived happily ever after and they ate many insects.


  1. ahww :) your story is so sweet ! I love it <3. The characters are really interesting. Good story Carito :D.

  2. Carito,
    I think that your story is very beautiful and funny. It is wrote very well because it is agrees very well with your brainstorm. well done Carito :D
